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Innovative Care Management Solutions

Nurse Daisy Powered by BUDS Technology

Medical Assistant

​24/7 Remote Patient

Symptom Monitoring (RPSM)

& Communication

We Care Powered by BUDS Technology

Call Center

Innovative communication platform for care circle

and task management

Bud Logic Powered by BUDS Technology

Data Analyst

Intelligent data engine to monitor performance and operational matrix

Why technology is essential for healthcare providers


Our CEO's Story

As the CEO of Homestead Hospice I found the biggest challenge to be communication between the patient's care circle and providers. In the hospice arena, patient care is more reactive, rather than proactive. I wanted to create solutions that help caregivers and clinicians monitor a patient's condition continuously to adjust care plans in real time and prevent crises.

I searched for a way to proactively care for our patients, only to find there wasn't one complete solution for monitoring AND communication. So I set out to find the top programers to create a platform that can integrate with existing EMRs to provide remote patient symptom monitoring and communicate with the entire care team.

We have created a platform to create a better experience for both the patient and clinician.

Mallie Sharafat
Founder & CEO

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